December 29th, 1514: riot against Count Tramontano in Matera

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PASSIONS History, Culture, Art, Legends of the territory, Living History

WE WARMLY WELCOME Tourists who wish to immerse themselves, as protagonists, in a historical representation in the splendid scene of Matera, who are going to deepen their knowledge on the art, culture and local traditions of this wonderful city, elected “European capital of culture 2019”.

THE STORY The people of Matera are tired of the tyranny of the Matera Count Giancarlo Tramontano. Today is the 29 Decembre 1514 and we all are called to come in front of the Castle of Matera. Brunetta, a courageous daughter of the gunsmith of Matera, has gathered the most intrepid citizens of Matera to promote a riot to overthrow and oust the evil and hated Count.

Also, you, come immediately as time is our enemy! And bring arms and sticks to make legendary this moment, so important for our city of Matera.

Rosanna, in the shoes of the legendary Brunetta, will help you relive this dramatic moment, which really happened in theMedieval lands of Matera. You will find out the reasons for which the Castle of Tramontano had remained incomplete, will relive the feelings which moved the population to hunt the tyrant who had tired the people of Matera and feelings which bothered the people with the Count’s manias of power and conquest; you will enjoy a guided visit along the streets of the Duomo of Matera.

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30% Kulttuuri